Disorderly Conduct: Mission Edition

It is with so much satisfaction that I announce the third book in the series, Disorderly Conduct: Mission Edition is written! I finished the manuscript yesterday and am thrilled with how it turned out. I changed the title because I want it to stand out from the sequel, Disorderly Conduct: Deployment Edition.

Why “Mission Edition”? I thought about what I wanted to name this again, because my original title felt too close to the sequel title. Then I thought about the word mission. By definition it means, “an important task or duty that’s allotted or self imposed”. Arie is on several allotted and self imposed missions that stand on their own unrelated to the sequel.

So, what’s this book about? In summary, Arie is sent back out on deployment after realizing humanitarian work is her highest calling. She is sent straight to Puerto Rico after a mundane month off-duty. However she quickly realizes her experience in Puerto Rico will be nothing like Key West. Faced with supply shortages, polluted water, and a destroyed electrical grid, she has her work cut out for her.

I’ve introduced a new and younger love interest in this book. Arie meets another smoking hot volunteer and her attention is turned away from Gerald and Jason. I cannot wait for readers to find out what she does and who she chooses after everything is over.

My plan for this book is to follow a similar path to publishing that I took with my sequel. It’s just easier and more cost effective for me to work mostly alone. First it will go to beta readers, then proofreading, editing and then formatting. I will be releasing the ebook around June and then the print in July. Audio recording will resume after I’ve completed recording for the sequel. The new cover will likely be out between April and May. Updates will continue to be released over the next few months so y’all are in the loop!

In terms of the adult themes in the book, I kept it simple. Arie is getting older, so she’s being more consistent with partners and staying true to what she likes. It’s not to say new sexual themes won’t be present in the next book, but I wanted to focus on what she’d gravitate to in a long term relationship.

So what adult themes are in this novel?

-Sugar dating


-Strip Clubs


-Pet Play


-Smoking/Cannabis Use


I’m Sailing Away: Why I Quit Dancing


Updates on Life and Book 3