Updates on Life and Book 3

It’s been an interesting start to the year. I got to work on a super fun project in LA last week, which is probably why I’m up weird hours rn - jet lag. The people I met were incredibly talented and easy to work with. I love my cast and if you guys see this, I’m so glad we met and I can’t wait to film episode 2 soon. Lately I’ve been ramping up my writing. Somehow despite being way too busy, I am 140 pages into the third book. I’m still working on a title for it but its default for now is Disorderly Conduct: Deployment Edition Volume II. Arie goes off in the field again and our favorite little vixen finds more hot people to exchange…. energy… with. :D I digress lmao.

This book is different than the first two. As Arie’s indifference towards romance grows, her suitor pool does with it. What happens when the first suitor steps forward with a serious suggestion? Hitting her mid twenties is a romantic minefield for our girl. There’s some crazy plot twists I got inspired to write and I’m curious what my beta readers will think. After the ms is completed, it will be handed off to them.

Once my beta readers check it out, it will go into content editing. While that’s going on I’ll be collaborating with my favorite artist to design the cover which will be revealed in April or May. After that comes copyright editing and proofreading. Following those, I’ll have it formally edited and then formatted for a print and ebook. I may or may not record the audiobook before the print, but we’ll see. I like prioritizing those two formats because they’re required for the audiobook to exist on Audible.

I’m thrilled to be moving the series along especially in time for my next signing. With me back in a remote job I’ll also have more time to record the sequel’s audiobook at the lab. As much as I love my place, being in a city center is LOUD which is why I started recording offsite about a month ago. I am 4 chapters in so progress is being made!

As for my screenplay for my first book, I needed to step back in order to consider how I wanted to write it. I have a very talented producer interested in picking it up, but I want to be deliberate. Writing a script is SO DIFFERENT from writing a book. I’d argue the former is more difficult because it has to be focused around character behavior, traits, and mannerisms. Part of me is debating if I should just hire a writer for it, but you all know how stubborn I am. XD

My grand finale send off last night was so sweet. Thank you to whoever put roses on my car. I have such a lovely support system down here and I’m so grateful for all of you. This month I am taking a break from modeling until the last week of February. I have to travel for work again a week before the cruise gig and just won’t have time. Book baby comes first, so I appreciate my followers’ patience while I organize my chaos into nice little rows and patterns. Until next time deviants, stay sexy.


Disorderly Conduct: Mission Edition


Happy HOElidays