The Sequel

Happy New Year, deviants! Last year brought about the very beginning of the Disorderly Conduct series, Disorderly Conduct: College Edition. To make matters weird, I just finished proofreading the sequel, Disorderly Conduct: Deployment Edition. Although I was not expecting the intensity that comes with indie publishing, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the support I’ve received since the start of this. Thank you so much to my cover designer, editor and dear friend Spencer who made it possible to publish on Amazon, B&N, Kindle and Audible. Without you guys it would have been a much more difficult process. Also thank you so much to my readers who have been so kind and supportive giving feedback as I slowly build up this series.

So where am I at now? Well last night I had a dope New Year, played some Mario Party with friends and got way too fucked up off of edibles. This morning I woke up feeling like my head weighed 100 pounds. Regardless, I was able to snap out of it with the help of Liquid I.V. (no this is not a plug) and clean my home. I digress. With the sequel currently being in the hands of beta readers, I still have A LOT to get done before it gets published. After beta readers complete their work my editor will receive it, all while I am designing the book cover and writing the draft for the third book. Then it will be formatted, submitted to Amazon and I will record a second audiobook.

Book 2 and 3 are much different from the first book because my protagonist ages through the story. I will be including trigger warnings after several beta readers did express their concern for peoples’ reactions to the content. Ya’ll Arie’s story is real as fuck for a fiction and she goes through some tragic shit. I disdain that erotica has turned its genre away from the drama and struggles that can come from real life. Toxic positivity just isn’t sexy to me and I’m sure I’m not alone in that. There CAN BE humor around the sensitive topics of trauma we face. For me, humor has been lifesaving in how I handle the worst events of my life.

Thank you all again for following along and watching as Arie grows up to become the person I intend for her to be. While her story is based off of my own, I emphasize that it is a fiction. I am not nearly as bad ass as my series heroine, and I made so many mistakes before writing the first novel depicting her aggressive hot chick tales. Arie is meant to inspire and empower female readers to embrace their sexuality without any apology for it. I was not as bold or as confident but I wish I was, which is why she needed to exist.


Disorderly Conduct: Deployment Edition


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