The Sequel is Here!

After a year of planning, hard work, and lots of challenges along the way, the sequel of the DC series is finally available! Disorderly Conduct: Deployment Edition is for sale through the Disorderly Publishing website. It is currently pending review by Kindle, but has been successfully submitted as of this morning.

The path to publish the second book in the series was not as easy or direct as the first book was. This go around I did not use a hybrid publishing company, and had to code the ebook entirely myself. That being expressed, I am so stoked that this is done, and you deviants can finally enjoy it!

This time, the audiobook will be coming out last, because apparently I’m a lot better at print formatting than I am ebook formatting. The audiobook is also in the works but both will definitely be out before the end of the year.

I want to thank everyone who made it possible for the sequel to exist. Firstly, thank you so much to my readers for your ongoing book purchases, reviews, and overall positive support. I truly love my deviants, and feel so privileged to be able to follow my dream of completing this book series. I want to thank Hope Marian for being an amazing friend, business mentor, and providing awesome editing services for the first book in the series. Thank you so much Giulio Villa for another stunning cover. I knew when he sent me the cover for the first book, I needed to keep him on for the entire series. Lastly, thank you to my best friend Spencer who not only formatted, and coded my first ebook, but taught me how to do the same thing. I’m so blessed to have all of you!!!

*****Finally some updates:

-The first book and sequel of the series, Disorderly Conduct: College Edition and Disorderly Conduct: Deployment Edition are both available as ebook versions on the Disorderly Publishing website shop page

-The ebook is currently in review with Kindle and should be released on the platform by the end of the week

-Eventually ebook will be submitted and available directly through the Nook before the end of the year

-Print is currently in final layout and will be released for sale through Amazon before the end of September

-Eventually print will be available through the B&N website and updates will be posted through the final approval process

-Next month I’ll be a vendor at Fantasy Fest and do my first book signing! Come see me and grab a copy of both books with my signature at the Fantasy Market on 10/27 from 10am-3pm. The market will be located at Truman Park. I am so stoked for this event! 🥹🩷💚


Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.


So, What Happened?