I Don’t Have Time, but I’ll Explain Anyway

In both exciting and concerning ways, I’m navigating back to being a full time artist. I won’t be quitting my day job JUST yet but I’m setting myself up well for when the day comes again. A lot has happened in the past month and I’ve aggressively double downed on my goals. The lack of sleep is paying off and that’s gratifying af, but it’s also turning me into a cantankerous curmudgeon. Oh yeah, I’m also fucking tired of people making assumptions on everything from my friendships and dating life to my business. Hopefully this post clears some of that up.

I am waiting to hear back from half of my beta readers for my 3rd book, Disorderly Conduct: Mission Edition. So far I have some great feedback. After this, I’ll submit it for editing and work on creating a cover with my designer Guillio. He’s staying on this train until I allow him off🤣😂. It’s not a choice, I told him it’s required and I’ll pay whatever. When I saw my first two covers, I was over the moon. I’m glad I found someone who can keep the design consistent, but create something WAY better than I ever could. Book 2 audiobook is being recorded and I’m making small bits of progress (sucks having construction outside my window but at least I have a backup recording location). Book 4 is already in the works. I didn’t sleep two nights ago, took a bunch of THC gummies, and outlined it in a few hours.

This month at XBiz I got to be on the Swinging Along podcast. I booked a few more shows to talk about Disorderly Conduct and my up and coming involvement in the adult industry as a performer. The hosts of Cum with Kasey on Spotify also invited me to talk on their show. My segment will on 6/4 at 1pm CST. Then I’ll be on the hilarious new pod Potty Break with the adult industry starlet, Myra Moans sometime this June or July. Before fall, I am trying to plan another with Crimes of the Heart while I’m filming the sitcom. I’m STOKED to be discussing a cohosting podcast/show emcee offer with Scores Gentleman’s Club. I will be teaming up with the owners and working with them at Exxxotica Miami (6/28-6/30) on a sexy project.

Let’s talk about acting. The sitcom I filmed in January is back on but instead of doing the whole season at once we’re doing it in small two weeks increments. I’ll be traveling between here and Cali for a month or two. I’m relieved that this is the pace of work, because I’ll be able to get downtime for my other projects in between episodes. The update on my stand up “Hi, I’m from Alaska”, is that I am tweaking my act. Although I didn’t flop at my debut, Poetry Under the Stars, I want it to flow smoother.

Modeling and adult acting…. Lmao can I just skip this section? I’m not trying to sound ungrateful but I’ve been working around the clock in this realm of my life. I need another day of resetting my sleep lol. This Saturday, I have a photoshoot in Tampa with an aspiring adult model. While we’re not shooting adult content I wanted to team up with him and be a positive mentor. I also had 3 different OF collabs this month and have another coming up Sunday with a guy and another chica. Chill Cawfee sent me some cannabis products to review so I’ve been high as a kite all week. I put out my first reel but definitely have to get on putting up at least one more for the brand deal… then he’s sending me more product. 😆🙃 I just keep going and going and going guys. I think I’m going to steal the energizer bunny’s job next.

I need to address some of the bullshit lately because I can’t keep up right now. I don’t have fucking time you fucking retards. Do you not understand how fucking math or time management work? Or do I have to do those things for some of the surrounding idiots hating on me too? Recently I’ve been in and out of instagram jail because it offends some insecure people with no life that I market my brand. THE AUDACITY! How dare I! Fortunately the algorithm did an eventual decent job and most of my rebuttals on several posts have come back successful. I also got burned by a former friend in the industry. What started off as a great collab setup became totally worthless for me. We were friends and for months got along fine. When we filmed together before that, we had amazing chemistry and I really liked her! She is hot af, I’ll give her that! However she became cruel and consistently disrespectful after I did a collab with her and her boyfriend. Maybe don’t FFM collab if you can’t handle it like a pro? We literally wasted hours at her place for me to get zero footage since we filmed in March.

Instead of continuing to wait for the content while taking her random insults, I cut her off yesterday. I need to make this abundantly clear. All of my hobbies and professional pursuits can be done solo. I’m such an introvert I fucking moved to the coldest and most naturally dangerous part of the mother fucking country for fucking YEARS to be IN SOLITUDE. I LIKE cutting out useless fucks from my life. It’s fun and directly results in newer more compatible people entering it. Additionally, I gain time and the joy of one less social obligation. Ghosting is enough closure for me. Do not test me at this time because I’ll ignore and disappoint you. I don’t care. I literally don’t care who you are in relation to me because nobody DOES more for ME than myself. I’m daddy. Some of you are so delusional you think you’re indispensable to me. Yet you do absolutely nothing to very little FOR me. I have bad news. Nobody ranks above me in my life because I’m a very driven and selfish person. I do not take shit and everyone who has been in my life long term knows this. I won’t fight you, but I will disappear from your life. If you can’t play nice with me, I will take ME, your favorite toy, away.


A NSFW Recount of my AZ Trip


Progress and People