Ground Control to Major Jade

I got some downtime before my next trip. The last trip was so much fun and ended up being two trips to LA and Vegas and back. This trip I’ll be hitting Vegas, LA, Philadelphia and Hartford. However I’m laser focused on Disorderly Conduct: Mission Edition. Let’s go fall! Death and rebirth is my favorite life themeeee baby! 🥳

Fantasy Fest is around the corner. If you want to meet me in person, this is the only way you’re going to do so. I will have my own booth at Fantasy Fest’s market on Friday the 25th. Come bring or buy one of my books to get signed. I stopped doing mail signings a year ago because it was just too expensive and time consuming.

Preparing for my third fictional baby to enter the world feels so unnerving and amazing at the same time. My hourglass is looking a lot lighter at the top and it’s sending waves of panic through my soul…. I love a good race. I love feeling weird and I love pressure. That written, what the fuck am I supposed to do when I finish my fifth book in a couple years from now? Will the finalizing process of that make me emotional? Hah, knowing me, yes it absolutely will put me in my feels.

It’s so weird going through this process with new people in my life, new coworkers, new friends, new crushes…. I almost feel sorry for them. Actually, no, I don’t. They signed up for this and it’s their choice whether to like me or not based on how I time manage. You see, every book I disappear twice a year. I ghost when I’m writing and I ghost when I’m finalizing because quite frankly? Nobody. Nobody. NOBODY matters more to me than my art. My books are my children and when I die I’m going to have one hell of a smile on my face knowing the world is stuck with remnants of naughty, fun loving, free spirited, deviant AF me. You’re welcome world. hair flip

Editing drives me insane and SO MANY people wonder why everything takes me so long and why I can’t talk…. Dude it’s a fucking book. I’m genuinely curious, have THAT many people stopped reading that they don’t even know what novels are or how long they take to read let alone WRITE? I’m concerned. Boundary Alert 🚨 You’re not allowed to adore everything I am but then get mad at me for having no free time.

I can’t just wave a magic wand and win things. Everything I have to brag about I went through hell for. I excommunicated people, had to recover from surgeries ALONE, dealt with injuries ALONE, was publicly embarrassed several times, and I had to fail countlessly. If you think I had everything handed to me, bad news, I’m the head mistress of the school of hard knocks. I make being an underdog look so fucking good and iconic that people have the audacity to believe I’ve had things handed to me. I’ve kicked out dozens of people who thought they had a permanent spot in my high holy court because of their entitlement. Nobody is entitled to my time, except me baby doll. My advice to other creatives - aggressively protect your time and energy like people think there’s something socially wrong with you. Focus needs time and space.

Anyway rant over lol I’m excited for my next trip but am putting this warning out now. My health and this stupid book series come first. While collabing is important for me to do between shoots, I’m not scheduling more than I have right now. I’m booked into November so if you’re sexy talent that hasn’t had, but wants a piece of me, you have to wait until then. I’m not burning myself out while trying to finish my third book. Writing that request out even sounds absolutely batshit to me.


Oh yeah… I’m an Author.