Official Amazon and B&N Print Release

I am beyond pleased to announce that the first book of my five part satirical erotica series, Disorderly Conduct: College Edition is finally available through Amazon and Barnes & Noble! This morning I was shocked and thrilled to see that Arie’s story has officially been published in print. While I wait for Amazon to publish everything, I am beginning to get my feet wet as an author. Fortunately Anchorage is a great place for both artists and writers. There’s several people I want to thank for this happening. Without my cover designer Giulio Villa, my editor Hope Marian and my expert tech friend Spencer this would not be possible.

Print Edition Available on Barnes & Noble!

Print Edition Available on Amazon!

Of course, the beta audiobook and ebook versions of Disorderly Conduct: College Edition will still be available through this site, but it’s satisfying to see one’s own work in other stores. The print version will also still be sold here, but please be patient with shipping as I am located in Alaska. Once the ebook version are approved through Amazon, I will be uploading the audiobook to audible (this is a sticky work around I just have to deal with as they require an approved ebook manuscript first). My audiobook should also soon be available through Apple books and B&N Audiobooks.

The past month has been too much which is why I’ve been silent on here. I finished moving about a week ago which was both frustrating and exhausting. Too make matters more stressful, the publishing world moves at a turtle pace. On the very bright side, I am so glad to share Arie’s story with you all. I hope she can inspire all if not most of my readers to find a solid balance between hedonism and being a good person. While she is far from perfect and even problematic at times, she is a relatable character, particularly for the millennial generation.


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